Thursday, June 7, 2007

#1 Favourite Thing in Life

Hi everyone,

My assistant (Mom!) has been too busy to help me update my blog. She was away in Vancouver for a family wedding without us! I heard how wonderful it is on the West coast for dogs (and humans). I hope I can visit one day.

Pippa had tagged me a while ago to tell everyone 7 things about us.

#1 is food. We love our food.

Patiently waiting for food. We eat Hund-n-Flocken and Ruffy eats Evo.

Lily and I are droolers. There is always a puddle below where we are sitting.
Ruffy gets a little more excited about his food. It is hard for him to sit still.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Snoop
I missed you!
I have to say that food its one of my favorite things in my life!
Have a nice day

Headgirl said...

That photo of you drooling, made me want to weep! You look soooooooooo like my One True Love.

Enjoy your w/e

Pats to all

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hey great pix - I have to confess to the odd droolie....


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Well glad I'm not the only one who loves my food that much hehe!

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:)

Mom visited Vancouver a long time ago and loved it.

Anonymous said...

Hello from Belgium Nice blog and fotos english springer, poodle,
Louisette passion golden retriever, cats , in blog links poodle, english springer spaniel.